Assignment 1 Write-up
Chelsea Henderson
First, we graph
and see the following:
Let's vary the constant in the part of this equation and see what happens.
Now, let's look at
Looking at the three images above, it may be hard to notice a difference in the graphs with varying constants. To see the change more clearly, we can place all the equations on one graph as seen below.
You can probably predict what will happen with the equation
Check your prediction here.
Now, what will happen with this equation: ?
What we see is quite different than the previous graphs and is a bit of a surprise.
Why do we have such an unusual graph? The image above could be interpreted as many different things, but mathematically we have an ellipse and a line. This can be shown by looking at the equation in a different light.
We start with our equation:
Now, simplify:
In the final equation above, we have the equation of a line being multiplied by the equation of an ellipse. See this concept graphically below.
For further exploration, let's try replacing our varying constant with a decimal and a negative number.
Red: (Replacing the constant with -3)
We see above, that the graph changes drastically with both a negative number and a decimal number in the equation.
What happens if we vary the constant associated with the y side of the equation?
What happens if a constant is added to one side of the equation?
Blue: (Original Equation)
Light Blue:
Something interesting happens when the constant added or subtracted is 3.
Blue: (Original Equation)
It appears that the and
equations are reflections of one another across the x-axis and the y-axis.
Let's look at a combination of the previous two graphs and see what happens with adding constants less than and greater than 3.
What will the graph become when we place it in 3-planes?
Now, we can see the maximum and minimum points from our 2-D graphs.